The Improv Project Vol#1

I am guessing these were recorded in the 2000 to 2001 time frame.

These downloads are ogg files. Any modern audio player can handle them. I recommend VLC.

I hope you enjoy ... we did.

zip ball of all oggs.

1. exploringCaves.ogg
2. flakingQuartz.ogg
3. flowingUpHill.ogg
4. ebbingFlowOfMatter.og
5. roughingIt.ogg
6. primordialSoup.ogg
7. spanishStaircase.ogg

Tracks 1-5,7
Gary Schaefer - guitar
Barry Silverman - bass, ns stick, electric and acoustic percussion
Davis Raborn - electronic and acoustic drums

Track 6
Mark Wilson - guitar
Barry Silverman - bass, ns stick, electric and acoustic percussion
Davis Raborn - electronic and acoustic drums